"I like DEAD END signs.. I think they're kind.. They at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere.."
~Bugs Bunny

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Location: Cainta Rizal, NCR, Philippines

Women's Volleyball Varsity Player, Dancer, Cheerleader, Singer, LCPA / Parish Youth Ministry, Extrovert, Independent, Happy, Laughs Sarcastically, Chubby, Studious, Talks to herself, class joker, loves Hello Kitty, Music freak, plays PIU Exceed, Simple but outrageous, Active and dynamic, Decisive and haste but tends to regret, Attractive and affectionate to oneself, Strong mentality, Loves attention, Diplomatic, Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems, Brave and fearless, Adventurous, Loving and caring, Suave and generous, Usually have many friends, Enjoys to make love, Emotional, Stubborn, Hasty, Good memory, Moving, motivates oneself and others, Loves to travel and explore.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


My first day in health ethics for the midterms was yesterday, and I was so energetic that time because I participated in the recitation so well. One way of aiming a high grade in the class participation) As i told you in my past entry, I got 4, 3.5, 4, 4 class standing in health ethics pre-lim and I was so disappointed and embarassed that time. That's why I'm making up with my midterms and it was all a success.

Another was our quiz, I was so confident with my answers and I got the feeling that I'll pass the quiz. I know I'm being too haughty here but I'm just telling you how determined I am. And the fact that I really got low grades this prelim, I don't like it to happen again. And that's a promise!

After the class, I talked to Ms. Arnaldo to say my thanks to her, because she still passed me even though I got low grades. I was so thankful that time. And also, I thank God for everything most especially for focusing on me this past few days. I love it! I feel like I'm beeing guided by the light!

I believe

At long last, I have my own copy of I believe by David Tao Ze thanks to Krizzia. Ahehehe.. I was planning to burn this to a small cd and give this to Frank.. Just for a simple thought that I always remember him. haha.. I'm being emotional here..


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