"I like DEAD END signs.. I think they're kind.. They at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere.."
~Bugs Bunny

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Location: Cainta Rizal, NCR, Philippines

Women's Volleyball Varsity Player, Dancer, Cheerleader, Singer, LCPA / Parish Youth Ministry, Extrovert, Independent, Happy, Laughs Sarcastically, Chubby, Studious, Talks to herself, class joker, loves Hello Kitty, Music freak, plays PIU Exceed, Simple but outrageous, Active and dynamic, Decisive and haste but tends to regret, Attractive and affectionate to oneself, Strong mentality, Loves attention, Diplomatic, Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems, Brave and fearless, Adventurous, Loving and caring, Suave and generous, Usually have many friends, Enjoys to make love, Emotional, Stubborn, Hasty, Good memory, Moving, motivates oneself and others, Loves to travel and explore.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I'm not giving up!

Yesterday, I was so depressed about my grades in Health Ethics. Since I got in college, I never got a grade of 4 in any subjects. I was totally stacked-up that time.

During our Health Ethics, Dr. Hazel Arnaldo started to call us one by one to show us our class standing and I got surprised when my standing was; 4, 3.5, 4, 4. I was so paralized then. I sitted at the back and for a while, I didn't speak, I didn't listen. When I felt that my lacrimal glands are working, I immediately went out of the classroom and at the window side, I cried like a looser!!

Thinking about this is really a pushed-force of mentality matter. Knowing that yesterday was also our 1st monthsary, I can't face Frank with those grades. I feel so embarassed because I am the president of the class and yet I am one of those who failed, how sarcastic for me to think that I really studied a lot. I even photocopied all reviewers in Health Ethics and still my grades are constant. How could that happened?

Honestly speaking, I know it is my fault. I know it is my obligation to put my subjects on top of my list. But it seems, I can't concentrate this past few days like there is something that bothers me.

I already talked with my mother and I told her not to expect from me. I told her how pressure I was and how diffuclt the subjects are. Nursing is not a joke and I have to focus on it one last time! and I know i'm in the urge of giving this up, but it's not too late, I still have the midterms and the finals.. This will be a one good lesson for me and for me not to fail the next time, I have to consider this as my punishment.

Happy Monthsary Moja!

After my sorrow, God is really kind. Frank and I don't have plans for us to celebrate because 1st: he has his work at 10:00am-7:00pm and I got also got my class. 2nd: I understand that he saves up his salary for his needs and for our future. 3rd: I have financial problems. But because God loves me, Frank's schedule was changed to 6:00am-3:00pm! wooho0.. so we got 3hours to celebrate! even though it is only a short time, I thanked God for He still lend me some time with Frank.

Because of simplicity, I just gave him a HUGE letter and an anenometer toy. (why anenometer? -->just watch Windstruck)

This was his reaction:

"Moja, nandito na ako sa bahay.. Nabasa ko na. Na appreciate ko naman ang ginawa mo!! Moja, salamat.. Sensha kong wala akong naibigay sayo kasi nagmamadali na akong para makita ka kanina. Hayaan mo ikaw lang talaga mahal ko at akin ka lang. Ok.. Sensha na rin kong wala me effort na ginawa siguro dahil din ito sa work.May time na pang-umaga may time na pang-gabi kaya sensha kong di mo ako nakakasama ng matagal.. pero sa totoo lang kapag nasa work ako ikaw lang ang iniisip ko.. ang lakas nga ng tama mo sakin! hehehe.. Love you so much!! Ingat ka lagi.."

I love you Moja.. I'll study hard for my family and for the two of us! That's why I'm not giving this up!!!


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