"I like DEAD END signs.. I think they're kind.. They at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere.."
~Bugs Bunny

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Location: Cainta Rizal, NCR, Philippines

Women's Volleyball Varsity Player, Dancer, Cheerleader, Singer, LCPA / Parish Youth Ministry, Extrovert, Independent, Happy, Laughs Sarcastically, Chubby, Studious, Talks to herself, class joker, loves Hello Kitty, Music freak, plays PIU Exceed, Simple but outrageous, Active and dynamic, Decisive and haste but tends to regret, Attractive and affectionate to oneself, Strong mentality, Loves attention, Diplomatic, Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems, Brave and fearless, Adventurous, Loving and caring, Suave and generous, Usually have many friends, Enjoys to make love, Emotional, Stubborn, Hasty, Good memory, Moving, motivates oneself and others, Loves to travel and explore.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Medical City

As a requirement in our Health Care subject, me and my group mates were assigned to go to a Tertiary Level of Facilities, (hospitals that are highly technological and sophisticated services offered by medical centers and large hospitals. These are the specialized national hospitals). These hospitals are divided into three; Private, Government & Specialized.

As our private hospital; we chose The Medical City, Government hospital; PGH (Philippine Government Hospital), and for our Specialized hospital; The Lung Center.

We divided our group so that we can accomplish our interview at the right time and for a purpose of not being too disturbing to the hospitals that we are going to visit. So, I assigned myself, together with Beverly, Krizzia, Kriz and Rachelle to go to the Medical City since the mother of Jax (Rachelle's boyfriend) is a nurse manager there. So I believe that we will not have too many difficulties in interviewing.

--At the food court... Kriz, me, Krizzia, chelle and Bevs..

Mrs. Imelda Lloren, the Nurse Manager in Medical City ER. Since I was the leader (and the one who has a thick face!) I was the one talking with Mrs. Lloren and ask her questions. I was very nervous that time because I thought that she's too perfectionist, but I was wrong. In the middle of our interview, I feel like I knew her already.

--Interview with Mrs. Imelda Lloren..

Then, I learned a lot of things about The Medical City, I was so amazed because it doesn't look like a hospital, more of a hotel.

--That's me!! One on one interview with Mrs. Lloren..

Now, I'm doing the documentation of our group which is to be passed on August 5, 2006 (our 1st monthsary).. I had a lot of fun there at the Medical City and it was totally awesome to be bonded with kriz, chelle, bevs and krizzia. After the interview, we went to SM Megamall. It was totally fun because I got close to them and learned new things about a certain hospital with them.


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