"I like DEAD END signs.. I think they're kind.. They at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere.."
~Bugs Bunny

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Location: Cainta Rizal, NCR, Philippines

Women's Volleyball Varsity Player, Dancer, Cheerleader, Singer, LCPA / Parish Youth Ministry, Extrovert, Independent, Happy, Laughs Sarcastically, Chubby, Studious, Talks to herself, class joker, loves Hello Kitty, Music freak, plays PIU Exceed, Simple but outrageous, Active and dynamic, Decisive and haste but tends to regret, Attractive and affectionate to oneself, Strong mentality, Loves attention, Diplomatic, Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems, Brave and fearless, Adventurous, Loving and caring, Suave and generous, Usually have many friends, Enjoys to make love, Emotional, Stubborn, Hasty, Good memory, Moving, motivates oneself and others, Loves to travel and explore.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I'm single again.. don't ask

I texted him just a while ago..

Si Anna to. Just want to let you know that it's really too late. I can't handle things anymore. The more you act as if you're a stranger, the more I loose my hope in bringing back the love that we used to have. I guess we're really good in being just friends. If you just know how hurt I was. But it's ok, it's a good preach you taught me. I've been waiting for you for so long, and still, you didn't made a move. I realized that the "effort issue" is not a big deal for you because the real you is not an "effort-giving " type of person but a man with a "kung ayaw mo, huwag mo" syndrome.And I can't do anything about it. It's really hard to do this but i have to. It seems that I'm the only one who's doing all the effort. I guess I did my part. Let me say this for the last time.. I LOVE YOU.. Hope you'll be more successful with your work and I know you'll be more happy if you're not in my hands. and besides, according to Alvin, you lose almost your whole love for me. And wala naman akong magawa to bring it back. I did the best I can pero hindi moko pinansin, hindi mo pinahalagahan yung mga ginawa ko. I know you'll understand that our relationship won't really work. Thank you for everything and I hope you'll find the right girl for you, girl with the right age, right attitude, understanding, beauty & brains. Take good care of yourself and I'll take good care of our memories. Be Safe."

In a week of thinking.. I found out that I no longer know how to handle relationships. It seems that Janus left me his trauma.. I really got affected with it. But I came to realized that I also did my part as Frank's girlfriend. I even left the one I truely love just for him and I even lied to my parents all the time and yet, worst comes.

When I'm in the process of loving a person, I really do take things too seriously. I'm loving them with my heart & soul. But with Frank's case, I honestly can't teach my heart what to do and most especially on what to feel. I know that all of this is my fault. And i'm guilty about it. It took several situations that only damaged my relationship as friends to others. But still, to defend myself.. Man do mistakes. As well as they do not mean it. But the point is, I stepped the wrong path thinking it was right.

I also realized that, or maybe, I found out that, I find it more happier being single. Not because I can do all that I want, but the feeling of having the freedom in all aspects of life. All I can say is that, I'm contented with my life right now.. I'll just focus more on my studies and gain more friends. I'm sure I can live without a guy.. Haii.. what a self-realization.. =(


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