"I like DEAD END signs.. I think they're kind.. They at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere.."
~Bugs Bunny

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Location: Cainta Rizal, NCR, Philippines

Women's Volleyball Varsity Player, Dancer, Cheerleader, Singer, LCPA / Parish Youth Ministry, Extrovert, Independent, Happy, Laughs Sarcastically, Chubby, Studious, Talks to herself, class joker, loves Hello Kitty, Music freak, plays PIU Exceed, Simple but outrageous, Active and dynamic, Decisive and haste but tends to regret, Attractive and affectionate to oneself, Strong mentality, Loves attention, Diplomatic, Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems, Brave and fearless, Adventurous, Loving and caring, Suave and generous, Usually have many friends, Enjoys to make love, Emotional, Stubborn, Hasty, Good memory, Moving, motivates oneself and others, Loves to travel and explore.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nursing Disaster!!!!

After months of not posting an entry, and here I am.. Lots of free time to blog again. (only upto monday) That's because, Midterms is over and at long last, I got my mind peaceful at a moment.
I was definitely a busy person. Even though I got my time to do other activities other than school, I describe myself as a haggard human being. If you come to think of it, I wake up 5:00 in the morning, I'm busy with my school for almost 10 hours a day and 2 hours for my recreation activities, and when I go home, I still have to study for the "everyday" quizes and as a president, manage the whole class and I have bigger responsibilities with my classmates and with the Nursing council. How's that? I always get over-fatigue. I thank God i can still manage everything and let things fall into its right place.
I think this will be a long entry because I missed a lot of things that happened to me not so long ago. And I'm in the mood to express my thoughts into writing.

LeaderShip Training Seminar

All Nursing Student Council officers, Year Level Officers and Section Presidents were required to attend the Leadership Training Seminar at Caliraya Re-creation Center Lumban Laguna for 3 days. It was actually my first time, since I'm the AHSE-2I President, I was complied to attend the said seminar. It was a great oppurtunity for me necause I learned a lot of things about Being a Passionate Leader, How to enhance English Communication and How to prepare proposals. I was inspired by the speakers and because of that, I realized a lot of things that I didn't even thought before.

Mr. Armando Santillana is our first speaker of the day. We were asked to wear casual or comfortable clothes. (As if we're a laidack potato couch) He taught us everything about Team Building. After the Lecture, we went out the Caliraya Auditorium to do the Physical Activities. First, we were grouped upto 25 persons and we are all wrapped with a chinese garter, then we went to the basketball court to build a pyramid with the use of straws and pins. After that, we have to build the word LEAD with the use of our own body, then we went to the obstacle course (just like the movie, Entrapment) after that we played the chase the dragon's tail. Afetr that, my most awaited activity, The Mud Slide.
I was actually excited to learn new things with those kinds of activities which I can't see the point what leadership will have to do with it. but as the activity goes on, I came on to realize what Mr. Santillana said during the Lecture that "In a group, there is no one left behind". When I come to think of it, we were grouped and all of us did the macro-cooperation level, we were united and self-confidently do the activities as one. And that's the essence of being a leader wherein you can't be a good leader if your not a good follower.

One of the speakers was Mr. Crispin Urbanozo. He taught us three of his topics:

*Pinoy Ako,Pinoy Tayo
*Battle Cry: Youth Empowerment
*Superheroes: Principles and Values

I was interested that time and I really make it assured that I listened very well.

Pinoy ako, Pinoy Tayo is simply about Nationalism. We were taught about things that even we are the Future Nurses of the Philippines, we must not forget that we are Filipinos inside and out.

Youth Empowerment or The Battle Cry - We watched the Penshoppe Commercial which is about the Battle Cry of the Youth. I was inspired on this because the commercial striked me a lot wherein Youth was empowered to:
*Choose the right thoughts - Freedom to choose
*Set your mind on good things - Personal Growth
*Focus on the positive - Positivism
*Have Confidence - Self-confidence

Superheroes, the concept of being a superhero is the principle and values of being a leader. Just what Spiderman said, "Great power comes with great responsibilities".

After Mr. Urbanozo discussed all of the topics I said a while ago, He described the Filipinos, The youth and most especially us, future nurses as SALT which means Student Advancement Through Leadership Training, which actually means that even though we taste salty, still, salts gives the finest and natural taste of the food that we eat.

Before all of that, we had a group activity wherein we will conduct a certain commercial pertaining one product or company. The assigned product for our group is the famous Coca-Cola Company. We planned to do the Nikki Gil Song Commercial, Christmas Spirit, Ito and beat sabay sabay, Office Conflicts and Party People. The concept was a taboo when our Coke Fairy (which is Ate Trista) pass by every scene, the taboo will move from conflict to peaceful situation.
I portrayed one role in the Party People Scenario. Wherein, we are in a disco club and we're in a "dull" moment, and when coke fairy passed us by, I grabed the coca-cola in can, the the audience see that I drunk and I gulped then after having the coke moment, I grooved to dance with my members then I did the backbend position in the center (which caused me so much backpains).
Anyway, we we're happy about the outcome because we never expected that we will perfectly performed the commercial so well in a short span of time to practice evereything.

The last day of the LTS. and here, I thought a lot of things:
"I realized that A true and real leader comes with his/her 3 companion, Discipline, Respect & Cooperation. Without those three, you'll not be effective as what you think, but everything that you want to happen to your group will be totally fall out the opposite.
In reality, Hardship makes a man a better person. Things won't be very easy that's why we tend to be more hardworking to succeed and achieve a certain goal. Maybe, we Filipinos lacks knowledge about RESPONSIBILITIES. And yet, we still forget the true essence of being a leader, a model, a listener. Following foot steps will never be easy. To ease the pain, we have to do those things with our heart and soul. Leadership not only tells us to lead and lead and lead, but to uplift the people of the world! Or enlighten the spirits in evey Filipino Youth. In my own experience, I might be a busy person, but, because of Discipline, I learned to define everything from needs and wants. Because of Respect, I learned that If you want things happen this way unto you, then better yet do it first for yourself and to other for you to be respected too. and last, because of Cooperation, I learned that you will not be an effective leader if you are not doing your role as a leader to members."

Community Immersion
Based on my LFD (Learning Feedback Diary)

The day before the immersion was the Leadership Training Seminar which I attended starting from aug.18-20. Sunday, when we got home, I was very tired and drowsy. Knowing the fact that I will be immersed on the following day.
Monday, It was my 1st day of community immersion at Barangay Bugaan West Laurel Batangas. I woke up at 4:00 in the morning and checked my things. After the rituals, I went to Don's house and went to school together. After that, we are also accompanied by Micah Abalos of Section-O and we are all starting to get excited for the immersion.

At Jollibee Mendiola, I gathered all my classmates and checked their attendance. We rented a jeep going to Park and Ride. There, I told our treasurer to collect P310.00 for the payment of the transportation. Auditor and secretary also helped.

After the 2nd attendance, I noticed that all of my class mates are being too histerical because of thinking too much about the forms and other stuff. I was also worried because one of my groupmates is late and the other one is dropped. Thank God she arrived before the bus left.

While in the bus, I was the one who lead the prayer, at first it was totally impressive but in the end, all turns out to be comedy plus the fact that my slimy thing on my nose snooze out!!! it was totally embarassing!

I was so excited but a little bit nervouse on what will happen next. During the LTS, Ate Trista (3rd year) was one of my room mates in Laguna, She told me some tips to remember. She told me that their 1st community immersion was also their 1st time not to sleep the whole morning in the middle of the night (I mean "madaling-araw") and I was not that really shocked because I already expected it. But all the things Ate Trista said to me was absorbed.. It was really helpful and now, I am really nervous if I'm going to make it to my 3rd year. As we said in the LTS- "I'm the BACK BONE of College of Nursing"

So we arrived at Sto. Tomas Market for the so-called "shopping". Others photocopied their forms, some bought food and toiletries and I.... I just went out to windowshop! haha.. Since I'm an addict when it comes to Hello Kitty, there was this store that looks like they smuggle Hello Kitty stuffs from Japan. I asked the prices of the doormat, bags, etc. and it was all out of my budget! and I really can't afford to buy it. After that, I also looked at the DVDs which are 8 in 1 and I bought a crystal casing for my cellphone.

Anyways, after the marketing, we straight ahead went to Laurel Batangas, The CIs (clinical instructors) went on meeting with the BHWs (Barangay Health Workers) and assigned different families to different students. I was assigned at Ate Fely's residence with Hazzel as my partner.

Thank God that Ate Fely is a very kind mother and she's not really that "snob" kind of person. She sees to it that she takes good care of her children and put them on the top of her list. The first thing me and Hazzel did was to share our food provision and I cooked corndbeef for lunch. I baby-sit Ate Fely's youngest son, Errol, while she cleans the house and while Hazzel is washing the dishes. After that, we went on story telling with Ate Fely about our different aspects of life. I listened to her and I observed. I realized a lot of things which I can't handle all by myslef. Because there are things that I never imagined that they will live without any other things like refrigerator, etc. After That, we changed our clothes and started to interview Ate Fely about her profile. Then we proceed to the Barangay Hall for the orientation of the following forms for requirements.

After an hour of discussion, we went back again to our foster parents for the interview. I interviewed Ate Fely all through out the day about: Multifactorial Phenomenon & Persons Gordon. The night at 6:00, we have our dinner and helped Ate Fely for the household chores. And again, continuation of our interview upto 8:00 pm. After that, we rewrite all the forms and slept at 9:00pm. We decided to alarm my cellphone at 12:00am. After I woke up at 12, I started finishing my requirements. Because of my drowsiness, I took a bath at aroung 1:00 am to overcome my sleepiness and started finishing my requirements again. 5:00 am, I decided to sleep for about an hour and I already prepare myself for the Healthy Lifestyle Before we go exercise, I rewrite my Attachment B as fast as I could.

At the Barangay Hall, we went on an exercise for the Healthy Lifestyle and after the exercise, we took our post test for the community immersion and I was confident with my answers only in MFP but in Bag Technique, I think I'm going to fail on that. After the quiz, we went back to our foster parents, but before that, we first hanged-out at our groupmate's house with Nanay Anastacia, she gave and offered us a drink of a Fresh Buko juice. And she even invited us for lunch (but unfortunately, we're running out of time). When we came back to our house, I took a bath and packed my things. Farewell to Ate fely and her kids! After that, we waited for almost 30 minutes for the rain to stop, and while waiting, I performed a Physical assesment to Ate Fely. After that, we waited for the tricycle driver to fetch us. When the driver came back, we went to Konsehal Maligaya for the assembly.

Inside the bus, I collected all my groupmate's requirements and LFDs and also their TRCs and for the attendance.

*** I learned a lot of things with this kind of activity. I know that this is my first step to my journey to in the world of Nursing. This isn't a joke that's why I'm so serious about this. Even though I got low grades, I still do my best to enjoy and at the same time gain more knowledge."

Haggard to the fullest!

That week, It felt like I got my brain damaged.. I did a lot of activities and it really makes my week a hell of being a busy person. I experienced the pain of agony, sleeping for almost 3 hours every night and passing of requirements with my extra effort in it. I felt like it was a Nursing disaster! hehe.. But if I come to think of it, this is only the start and I really have to deal with it because when I become a 3rd, 4th year, I will do a lot, or more activities than the usual.


Problems again with the lovelife.., and still.. breaking-up happened. But we're back again yet I'm still confused.


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